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Making Discpleship a Priority in the New Year

As we begin a new year, it’s a natural time for reflection and resolution-making. However, our faith is one area of life often overlooked when it comes to goal-setting. On January 1st, we had a Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service, an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to God and renew our promises to live following His will, as well as encouraging us to take steps in growing in faith and holiness.

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Book Recommendation - I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness

This book provides an intimate view of her life - growing up Black, Christian, and female in White America. She shows how White America’s claim to embrace “diversity” often falls short of its mission.

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What about the United Methodist Split?

Many of the people of Berwyn UMC have been asking questions about the state of the United Methodist Church, its stance on scripture, grace, human sexuality, and its commitment to Christ. This article has a youtube playlist of videos helping answer the question of Why be United Methodist, Do we take the scripture seriously, Do we take the scripture seriously, and is there a future with hope.

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We have been challenged by The United Methodists of Missouri and Kansas (Chiefs Fans)

A challenge from Bishop John Schol to compete against United Methodists from Missouri and Kansas to raise food for local food banks.

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UMCOR Responds to Earthquakes in Southern Turkey and Northwest Syria

View a video from UMCOR showing the impact of the earthquake and where they are already supporting disaster response work.

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