Website Blog

The Power to Resist Temptation

Dealing with temptation can be difficult, but it is essential for achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life. Temptation can come in many forms, from unhealthy food to procrastination, and it can be easy to give in and fall back into bad habits. However, we can learn to manage and overcome temptation by developing a few strategies and techniques.

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Food Pantry Update

The Food Pantry has taken a big jump forward since we began. I want to offer my gratitude to all of the volunteers that are making it work so well

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Communion Committee Help Needed

The Communion Committee is in dire need of more volunteers.

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A Message From the Lay Leader

We hold tight to the friendships we have fostered through BUMC. The people of BUMC gift my family with love and care and have helped to raise our children in faith when grandparents and extended family are many miles away. We continue to be closely connected with those we love and whom we worship beside. I am excited to see how our church home will continue and expand to share our Christian message through mission and service to the community in 2023.

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BUMNS January Update

The Nursery School wishes you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

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