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Christmas Notes from Pastor Kevin

Let's be honest. The idea of adding anything new to an already busy schedule is terrifying, borderline sitting in the corner of my office rocking terrifying. However, suppose your season is just as busy, but you want to focus on the hopeful waiting of advent and the celebration of Christ's first coming in Christmas. In that case, I offer a few suggestions to transform what you are already doing into moments of faith formation.

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Book Recommendation - Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff...and It’s All Small Stuff

Do little things in life drive you crazy? Author and consultant on stress and happiness, Richard Carlson, suggests ways to calm yourself in your hurried, stress-filled life.

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BUMNS December 2022 Update

December is upon us and 2022 is nearly over! The weather may be grey and cold but it is always bright and warm at nursery school. The hallways are filled with colorful holiday projects that the children have worked so hard on.

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Scout Troop 181 December 2022 Update

This past month has been a busy one for Scouts BSA Troop 181, we camped at the Hawk Mountain Scout reservation on the Appalachian Trail, worked together on an Eagle Scout project (pictured) to rebuild steps at the Field of Dreams for the Berwyn Paoli Area Little League, and conducted a pre Thanksgiving food drive.

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