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Book Recommendation - Jesus and His World

What was the village of Nazareth really like in the time of Jesus? What do we know through archeology about the ruling priests who condemned Jesus to die? This book is a useful starting point for evaluating often ignored sources and their impact on our comprehension of the historical Jesus.

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Nursery School Update for November 2022

Our classrooms will soon be decorated with turkeys and pumpkin pies and descriptions of what the children are thankful for.

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Troop 181 November 2022 Update

Scouts BSA Troop 181 held its annual recruiting campout at BUMC on October 8-9. The weather was chilly but clear and Scouts and guests enjoyed archery, a barbecue, and tent camping on the grass. All had a great time and appreciated BUMC’s wonderful grounds and gracious church hosts.

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Trunk or Treat Was a Hit Again This Year!

Once again, Berwyn UMC put on a fantastic family community event. We had a steady stream of families the whole two hours. Pastor Kevin set up a QR code for parents to fill out a form to win a door prize—how many pumpkin candies in the jar? We received about 80 responses—lots of adults and kiddos came to play with us.

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Stewardship For the Global Community

Paul Maina, an Oxford colleague of Janelle Larson, is in the states on break from his work as director of the Children & Youth Empowerment Center [CYEC] in Kenya. He spoke to the Every Topic Considered [ETC} Class on November 20th. You’ll recall that Berwyn UMC has partnered with him in support of this durable, successful project operating under extremely challenging conditions.

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