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Member Highlight - John Paylor Esq

Thank you to John Paylor for his service on the Leadership Team and as Church Treasurer

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Nursery School Update for October 2022

We are excited that our youngest friends have an artificial surface to play on now; it can be used in all weathers now. Please look at all the happy faces in the ‘First day at BUMNS’ photos on the notice board inside the entrance to the nursery school.

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Troop 181 October 2022 Update

October 2022 update from Boy Scout Troop 181.

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Transparency and Open Communication Are Key

This month we held the first of what I hope to be many Town Hall style meetings. At them, we shared a snapshot of the church’s finances, talked about the potential sale of some of our property, and how I approach church ministry. One of the meetings used ZOOM, and we have a recording to share. You can find it at I heard two things from the meetings that I will make a priority to work on moving forward.

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A Time of Recovery, Challenge and Opportunity

The whole world was thrown into turmoil in 2018 with the outbreak of the Covid virus. Fear and paralysis gripped entire populations as people cowered before this unknown threat. Governments and institutions imposed lockdowns in efforts to protect their citizens from infection, and life began a slowdown as individuals were unwilling to venture out to shop, work, or attend any public event where contact with others might lead to exposure to the virus.

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