Website Blog

Stewardship and You

There are three ways people support the church. Through making and fulfilling pledges, through one-time gifts toward projects, and through planned giving to leave a legacy. Each gift enables the church to accomplish our God-given mission.

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You are God's Masterpiece

As we move forward in ministry together, we must find a way to recapture what it means to be God's masterpiece for the purpose of good works, just like Abram and his descendants being a blessing to bless others. The hope for the future of Berwyn United Methodist Church rests on God's calling upon us to love and serve our community and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. That calling then lands on every one of us to answer the call with all that we are and with all that God has gifted us to live into the future that God has planned for us.

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A Note From Your Lay Leader

During this time of great change in nature, I offer to you a reminder to take the time to rest but forge forward in our work together, to not grow weary, and to revel in the beauty GOD has put in your life today.

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Book Recommendation - The Language of Science and Faith

This book will become a classic for those who read it with an open mind and are willing to wrestle with questions about the relationship of modern science with the Christian faith.

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Member Highlight - Debbie Nemetz

Thank you to Debbie Nemetz, who served as the lead counter for many years and is now stepping down.

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