Website Blog

February 2023 Food Pantry Update

Berwyn UMC’s food pantry is open and running strong. The Pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays for members of our community to come and “shop” from our pantry room.

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Lent: A Time For Reflection, Prayer & Fasting

As we enter the time of Lent, we enter a time of reflection and spiritual discipline practiced by Christians worldwide. It is the 40-day season leading up to Easter and is often marked with fasting, prayer, and self-reflection. It allows us to deepen our spiritual lives and grow our relationship with God.

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Chorus is Relaunching

Adult Choir is relaunching with a new rehearsal day and time.

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Scout Toop 181 Update

Many thanks to Berwyn United Methodist for hosting our troop meetings.

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Book Recommendation - Firstlight: The Early Inspirational Writings of Sue Monk Kidd

The stories and essays in this book are the result of that request.

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