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Avoiding Versitis: Preventing a Lego-Like Misinterpretation

In the ever-evolving faith landscape, rethinking our approach to scripture is vital. Drawing a parallel between Lego building and scripture understanding, we see the risk of cherry-picking verses to fit our theology. Instead, we should collectively engage in scripture, promoting a deeper, unified understanding. Join a diverse faith community valuing exploration over conformity in interpretation.

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Join Our Thoughtful Journey: Exploring "The Ballot and the Bible"

Join us for an enriching exploration of "The Ballot and the Bible" by Kaitlyn Schiess. In this thought-provoking book, we'll delve into the intricate relationship between religion and American politics, chapter by chapter. Engage in stimulating discussions, dissect the key Bible passages mentioned, and savor delectable appetizers in a welcoming atmosphere. If you're passionate about understanding how scripture has influenced and been wielded in American politics, join our group as we embark on this enlightening journey. Contact us to get involved and be a part of this vibrant intellectual community.

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Embracing Change: A Call to Revitalize the Modern Church

Amidst a world in flux, the Church stands at a crossroads, facing the challenge of our times: embracing transformation. Delve into this thought-provoking exploration, grounded in the unchanging truths of Scripture, that calls for a renewal of faith, a rekindling of purpose, and a recommitment to sharing the timeless message of Christ's love. Discover why the future of the Church hinges not on external forces but on our willingness to navigate change while steadfastly holding onto the unshakeable foundation of Jesus.

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The Transformative Power of Waiting: Lessons from Sarah and Abraham's Journey

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