Join Our Thoughtful Journey: Exploring "The Ballot and the Bible"

Join Our Thoughtful Journey: Exploring "The Ballot and the Bible"

Are curious, intrigued or mortified by the intricate relationship between religion and politics? Do you enjoy engaging discussions over delicious appetizers and drinks? If so, we have an exciting invitation for you. We're starting a small, passionate group to dive into the thought-provoking book, "The Ballot and the Bible: How Scripture Has Been Used and Abused in American Politics and Where We Go from Here" by Kaitlyn Schiess. Our gatherings will be more than just book discussions; they'll be opportunities for intellectual growth and meaningful conversations. Join us at a local restaurant as we embark on this enlightening journey.

About the Book:

"The Ballot and the Bible" is a captivating exploration of the intersection of religion and politics in America. Kaitlyn Schiess delves into the ways in which scripture has been wielded throughout American history to shape political beliefs, policies, and even voting decisions. From early colonial times to the present day, this book unravels the complex relationship between faith and politics, shedding light on how the Bible has both united and divided our nation.

Why Join Our Group:

Our small group aims to create a welcoming and intellectually stimulating environment where we can collectively explore the rich content of "The Ballot and the Bible." Here's what you can expect from our gatherings:

  1. Methodical Exploration: We will read sections of the book before each meeting, allowing us to delve deep into the content and ideas presented by Kaitlyn Schiess.

  2. Thoughtful Discussions: Our conversations will revolve around the main themes, arguments, and ideas from the book. We encourage diverse perspectives and respectful dialogue, making every meeting an opportunity for intellectual growth.

  3. Biblical Insights: Since the book deals extensively with the use of scripture in American politics, we will also discuss and analyze the Bible passages mentioned, exploring their historical and contemporary relevance.

  4. Appetizers and Atmosphere: We meet at a local restaurant. The food will serve as the perfect backdrop for our gatherings. Enjoy delicious appetizers and drinks as we engage in meaningful conversations.

How to Join:

If you're excited about the prospect of exploring "The Ballot and the Bible" with like-minded individuals, we welcome you to join our group. Here's how:

  1. Contact Us: Reach out to Pastor Kevin at to express your interest and receive updates about our meetings or use the link below to express interest. We'll let you know when we will start gathering a few weeks before it starts

  2. Get the Book: Purchase a copy of "The Ballot and the Bible" by Kaitlyn Schiess or borrow it from your local library.

  3. RSVP: Prior to each meeting, we'll send out invitations. RSVP to let us know you'll be attending so that we can reserve the right size table.

At the intersection of religion and politics lies a fascinating and often contentious terrain. "The Ballot and the Bible" promises to be an eye-opening guide through this complex landscape. Together, we'll explore the rich history of how scripture has been used and abused in American politics and contemplate where we go from here. Don't miss out on this opportunity to engage with a captivating book and a vibrant group of fellow readers. We look forward to welcoming you into our fold!

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