Spreading Joy: 2023 Holiday Toy, Gift, and Gift Card Drive by Methodist Services

Spreading Joy: 2023 Holiday Toy, Gift, and Gift Card Drive by Methodist Services

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and giving. It's a time when communities come together to make a positive impact on the lives of those who may be facing challenging circumstances. Methodist Services, an organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families in need, is once again gearing up for its annual Holiday Toy, Gift, and Gift Card Drive in 2023.

Methodist Services: A Beacon of Hope

Methodist Services is on a mission to make a positive impact on the lives of children, adults, and families who are dealing with difficult situations like limited resources, poverty, homelessness, disabilities, and educational inequities. They provide a wide range of life-enriching programs that cover early childhood education, school-age programs, housing services, family support, mental health and counseling services, and nutrition programs. Their holistic approach recognizes that every aspect of a person's life is interconnected.

The Annual Holiday Gift Drive

One of the heartwarming initiatives by Methodist Services is their annual holiday gift drive. In 2023, the organization aims to provide a special gift to each of the 1,200 children and teenagers they serve. Additionally, they plan to gift every participant in their Education, Housing, Counseling, and Care Management programs with a gift card. These gifts are not just material items; they represent a gesture of compassion and a way to bring a little bit of joy and comfort to those who are facing adversity during the holiday season.

How You Can Make a Difference

Methodist Services believes in the power of community, and they invite you to join their mission. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a significant impact. Here's how you can get involved:

Donate Gifts and Gift Cards: Consider donating new and unwrapped gifts suitable for various age groups. From board books for infants to video games for high schoolers, your gifts can make children's holidays special.

Gift Cards: Families treasure gift cards from popular retailers like Target, Kohl’s, Walmart, Best Buy, and Old Navy. These cards provide flexibility and allow recipients to choose items they need or desire.

Baby Care Items: Many of the programs serve young children and families who could benefit from donations of new car seats, bouncy seats, high chairs, boxes of disposable diapers of all sizes, and other baby care items.

Gift Wrapping Supplies: Methodist Services also appreciates receiving wrapping paper, gift bags, and bows. These items make the presentation of gifts even more special.

Let's Come Together

The deadline for donations is the week of December 11th, so it's time to start thinking about how you can contribute to this wonderful cause. Your generosity can bring smiles and happiness to mothers, children, and others during the holiday season. By donating, you can help Methodist Services fulfill their mission of making children's holidays special and supporting families in need.

As we embrace the spirit of giving this holiday season, let's come together as a community and show those facing adversity that we care. Your kindness can make a world of difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Suggested Donations:

Young Children: Infants & Toddlers: Board Books, Toddler Toys, Mr. Potato Head, Peg Puzzles, Push & Ride-on Toys, Bibs, Diapers & Wipes

Pre-School: Ages 3-5 Years: Age-Appropriate Books, Mr./Ms. Potato Head, Age-Appropriate Toys, Safe Blocks, Art Supplies (Paints, Finger Paints, Markers), Playdough, Fun Foam, Kinetic Sand, Craft Supplies (Ribbon, Yarn, Fabric, etc), Trucks, Cars, Active Toys, Dolls (African American, Latino, Other), Wooden Puzzles, Dress Up Clothing & Accessories, Learning Games

Elementary School: Ages 6-10 Years: Action Figures, Legos, 30 to 50 Piece Puzzles, Age-Appropriate Books, Sports Equipment, Team Apparel, Arts & Crafts Supplies, Trucks, Train & Car Sets, Dolls (African American, Latino, etc.)

Middle School: Ages 11-14 Years: Age-appropriate books, Bi-Lingual Books and games, Arts and crafts Supplies, Science Kits, Robotic Sets, Beauty and grooming Items, Sports Equipment, Team Apparel, Jewelry, Video Games, Gaming Systems

High School: Ages 15-18 Years: Age-appropriate books, Gift Cards, Arts and crafts Supplies, Sports Equipment, Beauty and grooming Items, Jewelry, Video Games, Gaming Systems

Young Adult: Ages 18-24 Years: Pillows & Twin Comforters, Twin Bed Sheets & Mattress Protectors, Towel Sets & Washcloths, Shower Curtains & Liners, Dish Cloths, Board Games, Journals, Small Room Trash Cans, Dish Sets, Pots/Pans

Adults in Our Programs: Books, Jewelry, Beauty & Grooming Items, Personal Care Baskets, Hats, Scarves, Watches

Monetary Donation

This post was orignally published in the October 2023 of the Lighted Cross. Please use the links below to view the full newsletter.

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In our journey through life, we often find ourselves searching for meaning, purpose, and direction. Just as a sunflower turns its face towards the sun, seeking light and nourishment, we too are called to orient ourselves towards the divine light that guides and sustains us. The sunflower serves as a powerful metaphor for our spiritual journey. Like this remarkable flower, we are meant to be diverse, generous, and life-giving. The sunflower doesn't keep its bounty to itself; it provides nourishment for birds, offers seeds for human consumption, and even produces oil for various uses. In the same way, we are called to share our gifts, talents, and resources with those around us, extending beyond ourselves to promote life and well-being in our communities. Be willing to take risks and move beyond what is familiar to grow in your faith. Challenge yourself to engage in activities that stretch your understanding and reliance on God. But what does it mean to truly live a life of faith? It's not enough to simply acknowledge the existence of God or to receive His blessings passively. We are required to take intentional steps out of our comfort zones, moving beyond what is familiar to us. This is how we open ourselves to receive the full benefits of God's kingdom and allow Him to recreate us in His divine image. The Gospel of John recounts a powerful interaction between Jesus and a crowd that had followed Him across a lake. Jesus, in His omniscience, recognized their true motives. He challenged them, saying, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." (John 6:35) This statement was met with resistance, even among His disciples, who found the message harsh. Many turned away, no longer following Him. This encounter illustrates a fundamental truth: it is not enough to simply hear the word of God or to seek Him for temporary satisfaction of our earthly needs. We are called to a deeper, more transformative relationship with the Divine. We must be willing to step out in faith, even when the path seems challenging or unclear. Actively seek out ways to help those in need, regardless of their background or circumstances. Show unconditional love and compassion, especially to those who are marginalized or overlooked. In the first epistle of John, we are reminded that God is light, representing all that is good, pure, true, holy, and reliable. As children of God, we are called to walk in this light. But what does this mean in practical terms? Walking in the light means aligning ourselves with God's will and way. It means rejecting division, exclusion, and prejudgment. We cannot claim to be followers of Christ while harboring darkness in our hearts or actions. Jesus had strong words for the Pharisees who burdened people with the law but showed no compassion. He challenged their hypocrisy and called them to a higher standard of love and service. The parable of the Good Samaritan beautifully illustrates this principle. While religious leaders passed by a man in need, it was the Samaritan - someone from a marginalized group - who stopped to help. He didn't ask questions about the man's identity or background; he simply saw a fellow human in need and responded with compassion. This is the kind of love and service we are called to emulate. As we strive to live out our faith, we must remember that belief is not just a thought process. It encompasses our heart, mind, and actions. It's about living out our convictions in tangible ways that reflect God's love to the world around us. Continuously seek God's light and reflect it in your life, especially in challenging times. Be a source of hope and encouragement to others through your actions and attitudes. Consider the story of the Calendar Girls, a group of church women who were inspired by a gardener's love for sunflowers. The gardener pointed out that sunflowers "trumpet life" - they proclaim and announce it through their very existence. Their heads follow the sun across the sky, always seeking the light, no matter how weak it may be. This is the kind of faith we are called to embody - a faith that constantly seeks the light of God, even in the darkest of circumstances. A faith that proclaims life and hope through our actions and attitudes. A faith that, like the sunflower, is diverse in its expressions and generous in its giving. As we navigate the complexities of life, we must remember that there is only one true way - the way of Jesus Christ. He declared, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) This is not a call to exclusivity, but an invitation to a transformative relationship with the Divine that impacts every aspect of our being. Living out this sunflower faith means being willing to risk, to step out of our comfort zones, and to extend ourselves for the sake of others. It means being light in dark places, ministering to those who are hungry, lonely, imprisoned, or naked. Jesus reminds us that when we serve "the least of these," we are serving Him. As we cultivate this sunflower faith, we become living testimonies to God's love and grace. We become beacons of hope in a world often shrouded in darkness. We become conduits of divine light, reflecting God's love to those around us. Let us embrace this calling with open hearts and willing spirits. Let us turn our faces towards the divine light, allowing it to nourish and transform us. And let us, like the sunflower, be generous in sharing the bounty of God's love with the world around us. In doing so, we fulfill our purpose as children of God, living out the prayer that His kingdom would come "on earth as it is in heaven." May our lives be a testament to this sunflower faith - always seeking the light, always giving, always proclaiming the life-giving power of God's love.

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