If You Don’t Know What To Do Next

If You Don’t Know What To Do Next

Ten-year-old me wanted nothing more than to be like my 17-year-old sister. And who wouldn’t? She was in high school, she could drive, go out with friends, and do all sorts of things my ten-year-old brain thought were amazing.

At this point, you are probably either laughing at naïve ten-year-old me or you’re reminiscing back to days when being a teenager did sound like the coolest thing! But you remember what happened, right? We all got to be teenagers and then we were all disappointed. It wasn’t quite as cool as they showed on TV, was it?

Being an adult is not much different. As humans, we do this to ourselves though, don't we? We divide life into stages of achievement that we check off so we can move on to the next thing:

  • Get out of high school/college.
  • Get a career.
  • Get a spouse.
  • Get this, do that, be more.

But the results are never quite what we expect.

Chasing What’s Next

We end up ignoring one stage in anticipation of the next. You’re single—well, when’s that going to end? You’re married—kids? House? Retirement plan? It doesn’t really seem to matter what stage we’re in, the world (and relatives) just pushes us around telling us that where we are in life isn’t enough.

Maybe you’re not sure what your next step in life is, but you’re still hoping it’s going to be better than this one. Maybe, like me, you’ve spent some time thinking and praying about what’s next for your life and you just don’t have an answer.

But what if the answer is to stand still?

Stand still?

Stand still.

Sometimes we get so caught up in doing and being that we forget to stand still and be in awe of God.

Look at Psalm 46:10. Sometimes we get so caught up in the doing and the being and the getting that we forget to take time to stand still and be in awe of God. So here’s how we can use these moments to move forward:

4 Steps for Anyone Who Doesn’t Know What to Do Next

1. Check your goals.

In general, your next step shouldn’t create stress. If it’s hard for you to think about standing still and not doing something for a moment, ask yourself who you’re doing things for. Is your next step taking you closer to Jesus or to your own personal goals?

2. Ask God questions.

This is not the same as “question God.” You may not get an answer to “why is this happening,” but God will always give us all of the answers we need (2 Peter 1:3; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 7:8). Like any relationship, communication is key! Talk to Jesus.

3. Create space to listen.

    Rest has such a huge purpose! You know how loud it can be when you’re in your car on the freeway with the windows down? Sometimes that’s what our lives are like. God reminds us we need to rest—we need to put the windows up and put our lives in park for a few minutes so that our surroundings are quiet enough for His voice to be heard above everything else.

The Bible tells us that Jesus wants us to rest.

For starters, God made us so He knows what our bodies and our souls need (Genesis 1:26-27). Then He demonstrated the principle of resting for us (Genesis 2:2). Just to make it even clearer for us (He knew we would struggle), He then set aside an entire day every week for us during which we aren’t supposed to work (Exodus 20:10-11). But in today’s culture, we often use Sundays as a day to catch up on housework, homework, yard work, or anything else, and we forget God’s design of resting.

4. Obey.

Listening to what God says is one thing, but putting it into action is another. Once you’ve taken the time to breathe, ask, and listen, be ready to obey.

When we want to be in another stage or on a different next step, standing still is hard, but that’s why we have to take the best next step—even if that means standing still and learning from this current stage (look at what Paul says in Philippians 4:11-12!).

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Love Casts Out Fear: Embracing God's Gift This Advent Season

Published: December 22, 2024

As we approach the final Sunday of Advent, we find ourselves on the threshold of Christmas, reflecting on the profound gift of love that God has bestowed upon humanity. This love, manifested in the birth of Jesus Christ, challenges us to reconsider our understanding of God and invites us to exchange our worldly fears for divine love. The story of Christmas is a testament to God's unfathomable love. Imagine the Creator of the universe choosing to enter our world as a vulnerable infant, born in humble circumstances to parents who were themselves unprepared for the magnitude of their role. This act of love was so radical, so unexpected, that it causes us to marvel at the continuity between the God of the Old Testament and the God revealed in Jesus Christ. As the apostle John boldly proclaims, "God is love" (1 John 4:8). Yet, as we contemplate this divine love, we must confront a powerful force that often prevents us from fully embracing it: fear. Fear is a formidable adversary, binding us tightly and limiting our vision. It obscures our true identity as beloved children of God and blinds us to the inherent worth of others. Fear stifles our potential, makes us hesitant to welcome strangers, and can even drive us towards violence and hatred. But here's the good news: God's love has the power to cast out fear. As we read in 1 John 4:18, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." This verse challenges us to let go of our fears and exchange them for the boundless love that God offers. However, this exchange is not a one-time event. Fear has a way of creeping back into our lives, often manifesting as anxiety about the unknown future or apprehension about how others will receive us. Every day, in every interaction, we face the possibility of rejection or misunderstanding. This fear can paralyze us, preventing us from sharing God's love and the hope found in Christ's story with those who desperately need to hear it. Practical Application: Living Out God's Love So how can we practically live out this love and overcome our fears? Here are a few suggestions: Set a goal to show love intentionally. Challenge yourself to find 20 ways to love your neighbor this week. Start small if needed, but push yourself to grow in this practice. Reach out to those who may be lonely or questioning. The Christmas season provides a perfect opportunity to invite someone to experience the story of God's love in a welcoming environment. Be willing to sacrifice for others. True love, as demonstrated by Christ, involves self-sacrifice. Ask yourself, "What am I willing to give up for the sake of showing God's love to another person?" Let your actions speak louder than words. Live in such a way that others see God's love reflected in your life and are drawn to it. Prepare yourself to push through fear. When you feel fear creeping in, have a plan ready. It might be a silent prayer, revisiting encouraging Scripture passages, or reminding yourself of God's love and calling on your life. Remember the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus. When told of her extraordinary role in God's plan, she was initially afraid. But the angel's words, "Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God" (Luke 1:30), gave her the courage to say yes to God's call. Like Mary, we too are beloved by God and chosen to play a part in His plan to bring love into the world. The Transformative Power of Love As we embrace God's love and allow it to cast out our fears, we open ourselves to transformation. We become more capable of seeing others as God sees them – as beloved children made in His image. We become more willing to step into the unknown future that God has prepared for us. We become more effective ambassadors of Christ's love in a world that desperately needs it. This transformative love isn't just for our benefit. It's for the sake of the world, for those who are lost and hurting, for those who have yet to experience the hope and joy found in Christ. When we allow God's love to flow through us, we become part of His redemptive work in the world. As we approach Christmas, let's challenge ourselves to live fully in God's love. Let's push past our fears and insecurities, knowing that we are empowered by the same love that brought Christ into the world. Let's be willing to invite, to welcome, to reach out, and to sacrifice for the sake of others. In doing so, we not only honor the true spirit of Christmas but also participate in the ongoing story of God's love for the world. We become living testimonies to the truth that love – God's perfect love – truly does cast out all fear. May this Advent season be a time of renewed commitment to living in and sharing God's transformative love. As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us also celebrate the rebirth of love in our own hearts, a love that casts out fear and changes the world, one person at a time.

Christmas, Love And Wrath

Published: December 20, 2024

Explore the Old Testament scriptures and learn how God's love is proven through his pursuit of justice for the oppressed. Discover how individuals like Noah, Moses, and Ruth were used by God to bring mercy and blessings to others, and how Jesus Christ serves as the ultimate mediator between mankind and God. Reflect on the importance of being available to show God's love to those in need.