Committed to Christ

Committed to Christ

This is the 4th video in the Proud to Be UMC series where Adam Hamilton responds to claims about the United Methodist Church from Rob Renfroe of Woodlands Methodist Church.

Rob's Claims

In response to Renfroe's claim that there will never again be a bishop elected in the United Methodist Church who holds traditional Christian beliefs, Hamilton expresses caution:

"I want to just pause and ask this question... I'm not suggesting that Rob is being dishonest here, but I'm not going to leave my denomination over something someone said without actually hearing from them."

Hamilton acknowledges that some clergy may have heterodox views but highlights the majority's adherence to historic Christian essentials:

"The vast majority of the United Methodist clergy I know hold to the divinity of Christ, the virgin birth, the resurrection, and the belief that Jesus is the divine Son of God. I'd be one of the first people to lead my congregation out of the denomination if these essential beliefs were compromised."

United Methodist Beliefs

Hamilton reinforces that the United Methodist Church holds firmly to traditional Christian doctrine, emphasizing their belief in Jesus as the savior, the divine Son of God, and the Word made flesh:

"The United Methodist Church is a church that believes in Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life. We believe that Jesus is the savior of the world, the divine Son of God, and that the Word was made flesh in Him. This is what we believe."

Staying United Methodist

Hamilton encourages listeners not to believe everything they hear and to be proud of their United Methodist affiliation. He expresses that the notion that the United Methodist Church will never again elect a bishop with traditional Christian doctrine is simply not true:

"I hope you'll join me in staying United Methodist and being proud to be part of the UMC."

He concludes by inviting his audience to join him for the next session, where they will discuss human sexuality.

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