Answering God's Call: Finding Worthiness in Unworthiness

Answering God's Call: Finding Worthiness in Unworthiness

Pastor Kevin Rutledge

Have you ever hesitated when a great opportunity came your way? Maybe you felt a nudge to step up and make a difference, but a little voice in your head said, “You’re not qualified enough.” If so, you’re not alone. That tension—between a call to serve and feelings of inadequacy—is a deeply human experience. Even some of the greatest figures in history have faced it.

One powerful example is the story of Isaiah’s vision in the throne room of God. In this awe-inspiring moment, Isaiah sees angels proclaiming, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. The whole earth is full of His glory.” The room shakes, and Isaiah, overwhelmed by the sheer holiness of God, feels utterly unworthy.

Then comes the call: “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?”

It’s a question Isaiah could have ignored. Instead, despite his feelings of inadequacy, he responds with one of the most powerful declarations in scripture: “Here I am. Send me.”

This pivotal moment didn’t come from arrogance or confidence in his abilities. It came from a willingness to trust God, even when he felt unworthy. In response, a seraph touched his lips with a burning coal, symbolically cleansing him. God didn’t wait for Isaiah to be perfect—He made Isaiah ready for the task ahead.

The Call Today

Isaiah’s story isn’t just a biblical moment—it’s a message for us today. Our world is crying out for justice, hope, and healing. Opportunities to make a difference are all around us, yet many of us hesitate because of fear or self-doubt.

  • “I’m not talented enough.”
  • “I’ve made too many mistakes.”
  • “What if I fail?”

These are the lies we tell ourselves, but they’re not the truth. God doesn’t require perfection—He requires willingness.

Grace Makes You Ready

As Christians, we experience our own “burning coal” moment through the transformative grace of Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection offer forgiveness and redemption, making us worthy not by our own merit, but by His. When you feel unqualified, remember: your worthiness comes from God’s grace, not your perfection.

Faithfulness Over Results

Here’s the beautiful part: answering God’s call doesn’t mean you’re responsible for the outcome. Isaiah wasn’t promised immediate success. In fact, he was warned that many would reject his message. But his willingness to go mattered.

The same is true for us. We’re not called to save the world single-handedly. We’re called to step forward in faith and let God work through us, even when we don’t see the results right away.

A Modern Example: The Ripple Effect of "Yes"

Consider a small food ministry that began with just a few volunteers. They stocked shelves, packed bags, and handed out meals to those in need. Over time, partnerships formed, resources grew, and their impact expanded far beyond what anyone imagined. What started as a simple “yes” from ordinary people became a lifeline for an entire community.

Their success didn’t come from extraordinary qualifications. It came from faithfulness—a willingness to serve despite uncertainty.

Your Action Steps

So, how can you move past doubt and say “yes” to the call on your life? Start with these steps:

  1. Recognize the Call
    Pay attention to the nudges in your heart. Is there a need in your community or an opportunity that keeps coming up? That might be God calling you to act.
  2. Acknowledge Your Doubts
    It’s normal to feel uncertain. Write down your fears and insecurities, then give them to God in prayer.
  3. Take the First Step
    You don’t need to have everything figured out. Start small—a conversation, a volunteer shift, or even offering to pray for someone in need.
  4. Trust in Grace
    Remember, your worthiness doesn’t come from your abilities. Trust that God will equip you for whatever He calls you to do.
  5. Celebrate Faithfulness, Not Outcomes
    Your job is to be faithful. Leave the results to God, knowing that every small act of obedience is part of a bigger plan.

The World Needs Your "Yes"

Isaiah’s willingness to answer God’s call echoes through history, reminding us of what’s possible when we step forward in faith. The same spirit that called him is calling you today. The world needs voices of hope, hands of healing, and hearts committed to justice and mercy.

Will you be one of them?

Don’t let doubt hold you back. Trust that God’s grace is enough, and say, “Here I am. Send me.” Your simple “yes” could set something extraordinary into motion. Listen for the call, take that step, and watch how God works through you. You might just change the world.

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