No Time Is Wasted

Pastor Kevin Rutledge - 7/4/2024

In our journey of faith, we often struggle with the feeling of wandering or being lost. This message reminds us that these periods of uncertainty are not wasted time, but opportunities for spiritual growth. The story of the Israelites' 40-year journey through the wilderness serves as a powerful metaphor for our own faith walks. What should have been a short trip became an extended period of learning to rely on God's provision and timing. Like the Israelites with their daily manna, we're challenged to trust God's faithfulness in our daily lives, even when we can't see the path ahead clearly. This time of 'wandering' isn't about reaching the destination quickly, but about developing a deeper reliance on God. We're encouraged to see these moments of uncertainty not as setbacks, but as chances to explore, pray, and grow in our trust in God's provision.