When God closes a door, God often opens a window

Pastor Kevin Rutledge - 8/17/2023

Ever found yourself standing at a crossroads of your life and wondered, ‘When God closes a door, does He really open a window?’ Well, we decided to unravel this adage through a hilarious incident involving our toddler, a locked door and an open window. As we unveil the humor, we also discover the deeper implications this saying can have on our understanding of the Christian faith. The closed door might seem like a setback, a derailment of your linear life path, and it might plant seeds of doubt, confusion and worry. But is it necessarily so?

Life often presents us with a multitude of options, akin to the overwhelming menu at a diner. Decision-making can be tough and waiting for a divine sign might seem like the easy way out. But we argue that sometimes, it's about taking a leap of faith. It’s not about waiting for God to show you the way, but about trusting in Him and moving forward, even if it means shutting doors behind. An end is just a new beginning in disguise. We dive into how to navigate life's ups and downs, and how faith can guide us to the right door, even if it means having to close others. So, let’s embark on this journey together, exploring the hidden meanings behind closed doors and open windows, and learning to move forward with faith and trust in God's grand design.