All Part of God’s Plan

Pastor Kevin Rutledge - 8/3/2023

In this upcoming sermon, we delve into the phrase "All Part of God's Plan" and reflect on whether God's plan for our lives is a precise blueprint or more of loving guidance. Based on Jeremiah 29:1-7, we discover that God's plan is not a rigid, predetermined map of our lives, but rather a dynamic relationship where He invites us to embrace the present and make choices that honor Him and lead to human flourishing. While seeking comfort in the idea of a specific plan, we learn to trust in God's faithfulness and provision even when His plans differ from our desires. Embracing the truth that His plan is about guidance empowers us to grow and flourish where we are planted, making choices aligned with His character, and finding fulfillment in His purpose for us. Join us this Sunday as we explore this concept and deepen our understanding of how to surrender to God's guidance, leading to a life of purpose and joy.