From Garden to Garden: Narrative Lectionary Year 2

9/4/2023 - 9/4/2026

Welcome to "Our Journey Through Redemption," an inspiring sermon series based on the Narrative Lectionary Year 2. This carefully crafted series is designed with you, our cherished congregation members, in mind. We invite you to explore the rich tapestry of God's redemptive narrative through this transformative journey.

About the Narrative Lectionary Year 2:

The Narrative Lectionary Year 2 is a structured plan for reading and preaching from the Bible. It focuses on the overarching narrative of God's redemptive love throughout Scripture. Each year, we delve into key passages and stories that highlight themes of redemption, grace, and God's relentless love for humanity. It's an opportunity to deepen our understanding of God's plan from creation to the fulfillment of God's promise in Christ.

In This Series

  1. Created for Relationship
  2. Laughing at the Promise
  3. Wrestling With God
  4. Responding to the Call
  5. Listen, O Israel!
  6. Ruth and Naomi's Enduring Love
  7. David's Coronation
  8. Kingdom Divided
  9. Elijah at Mount Carmel
  10. Hosea: God's Heartache and Love
  11. Isaiah’s Vineyard Song
  12. Josiah’s Reform
  13. WHEN Bad Things Happen
  14. Planting Seeds of Wisdom: Exploring the Parables of Jesus for Personal and Community Growth
  15. We're on a Mission
  16. Jesus's Ministry Begins
  17. Epiphany of the Lord
  18. Facing the Yet to Come
  19. The Life of Christmas Present
  20. Learning from the Ghosts of Our Past
  21. Caught in Chains We Cannot See