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BUMNS Nursery School Update October 2023

Posted By Jane Harris

The nursery school has returned and once again the hallways are full of happy smiles and children’s laughter. There have been a few tears from our youngest friends but they will soon dry up. Every year It always amazes us how quickly the children adapt to their new environments and routines. October brings field trips to the pumpkin patch and Halloween. We will be having our annual Halloween parade at the end of October. Thank you to the church for the invitation to the BUMC Trunk and Treat on October 28th. Please take a look at all the happy faces in the ‘First day at BUMNS’ photos on the notice board inside the entrance to the nursery school.

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Nursery School Update For May 2023

Posted By Jane Harris

It seems it was only yesterday that we welcomed our children into school, the year has flown by! It is a bittersweet time of year as we will be saying goodbye to some families who have been with us for many years. We look forward to celebrating our 5 Day children as they graduate preschool and prepare to leave us and continue their journey to kindergarten. We also welcome spring as a time of renewal as we encourage the children to observe the changes around them, including the caterpillars we have in our classrooms as they turn into butterflies.This year has again posed many challenges but we have worked through them with the support of our families and we are hopeful for the next school year. If you know anyone who is looking for a nurturing happy place to send their child, please pass on my email to them, [email protected] or check out our website,, we would love to welcome them to our school. We would like to wish everyone a safe and good summer and look forward to returning in September.

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BUMNS February Update

Posted By Jane Harris

Winter is marching along, and we at the nursery school hope the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow! We look forward to February, a month full of hearts and love. Our rooms and hallways will be filled with red and pink heart projects. We encourage the children to think about being good friends and to be kind to each other. Our 5-day children are encouraged to do kind deeds in February and beyond.  They read, ‘Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler’, and we ask their families and teachers to ‘catch’ them doing something kind and to give them a ‘kindness heart’ to add to and fill the notice board downstairs with their kind deeds. Stay safe and warm!   

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BUMNS January Update

Posted By Jane Harris

The Nursery School wishes you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year! We will welcome the students back to school on January 3rd, including some new students to our 2-Day program. January is usually a calm month after all the festivities at the end of the year. This is a time of the year when the staff sees real growth in the students. Please take notice of our bulletin board in the hallway upstairs. The photographs represent activities happening in our school.

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BUMNS December 2022 Update

Posted By Jane Harris

December is upon us and 2022 is nearly over! The weather may be grey and cold but it is always bright and warm at nursery school. The hallways are filled with colorful holiday projects that the children have worked so hard on. The children are very excited for the holidays. We will be performing our holiday show on December 15th. Even the youngest children have a part to play and all have been practicing their songs. This is a cherished BUMNS tradition and we are happy there are no limits on participation this year.The Nursery School would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a peaceful, healthy New Year.

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Nursery School Update for November 2022


The Nursery School enjoyed their Halloween Parades and now it is time to look forward to November and Thanksgiving! Our classrooms will soon be decorated with turkeys and pumpkin pies and descriptions of what the children are thankful for. Even the youngest children can relate to things and people they are grateful for. We encourage the children to share their gratitude and their family Thanksgiving traditions with their classmates. They will join together for a Thanksgiving Feast where they will share food that the parent’s provide. We at BUMNS, have a lot to be thankful for, we are especially thankful for the support the church continually gives us. We wish everyone a good Thanksgiving. 

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Nursery School Update for October 2022


The nursery school is full of happy smiles and children’s laughter once again. We had a few tears from our youngest friends, to begin with, but they soon dried up. It always amazes us how quickly children adapt to their new environments.   The hallways will soon be full of Halloween decorations, and the children are already discussing their Halloween costumes! We will be having our annual Halloween parade at the end of October. Thank you to the church for the invitation to the BUMC Trunk and Treat on October 22nd. We are excited that our youngest friends have an artificial surface to play on now, it can be used in all weathers now. Please take a look at all the happy faces in the ‘First day at BUMNS’ photos on the notice board inside the entrance to the nursery school. 

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