Website Blog

Book Recommendation - Middle Church: Reclaiming the Moral Values of the Faithful Majority from the Religious Right

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Berwyn UMC Food Pantry: A Month of Making a Difference

Discover the incredible impact of the Berwyn UMC Food Pantry in just one month! This community-driven initiative is making a profound difference. Join us in exploring the heartwarming stories behind these numbers and learn how together, we're building a stronger, more resilient Berwyn.

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What Is Fasting And Why Do Christians Do It?

Explore the spiritual benefits of fasting and how it can help you focus on God and gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual needs. Learn why Jesus assumes his followers would fast, how people in the Bible fasted for different reasons, and find practical tips on how to start fasting, including staying hydrated, not overeating, and maintaining a prayerful commitment.

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Three Reasons We Pray Before Meals

Explore three reasons to pray before meals: to celebrate who God is, to remember who provides for us, and to redirect our hearts. Discover how living each day with gratitude helps us appreciate God's generosity and strengthens our connection to Him.

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4 Things I Pray For My Child

Explore a personal story of how God helps a father-to-be cope with the pressures of impending parenthood and offers guidance on praying for your child's salvation, generosity, wisdom, and faith.

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