Nursery School Update For May 2023

Nursery School Update For May 2023

It seems it was only yesterday that we welcomed our children into school, the year has flown by! It is a bittersweet time of year as we will be saying goodbye to some families who have been with us for many years. We look forward to celebrating our 5 Day children as they graduate preschool and prepare to leave us and continue their journey to kindergarten. We also welcome spring as a time of renewal as we encourage the children to observe the changes around them, including the caterpillars we have in our classrooms as they turn into butterflies.

This year has again posed many challenges but we have worked through them with the support of our families and we are hopeful for the next school year. If you know anyone who is looking for a nurturing happy place to send their child, please pass on my email to them, [email protected] or check out our website,, we would love to welcome them to our school. We would like to wish everyone a safe and good summer and look forward to returning in September.

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