A Message to Berwyn From Music Director John Lewis

A Message to Berwyn From Music Director John Lewis

I want to thank you for all of the support you’ve given me over these past two years at Berwyn UMC. It has been my greatest joy to lead you in music for the greater glory of God. Hearing your voices, in both song and conversation, has enabled me to provide you with a beautiful landscape on which to make music and praise our Savior. 

I have always held dear your support of me and always knowing that God has great plans for me, and this next chapter, I pray, will be one of those great stepping stones. While the leaving brings sadness, the future is adorned with hope and excitement. What I have experienced with each and everyone of you has been more than just that of ministry, but also friendship. I cherish the conversations and laughter I’ve shared with all of you. The door remains open. Let us continue to share our joys and petitions with one another through phone calls, text messages, letters, and social media. I do not intend to become a stranger. =

Once again, I write this statement of farewell with bittersweetness. Please pray for me as I take this next leap of faith in my professional career, just as I will continue to pray for the advancement and deepened spirituality of the Berwyn UMC community. 

In Christ,

John Lewis

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